
Alaska Slug and Snail Watch (AKSSW)

Arion ater

Alaska has slugs and snails for sure, but we just don’t know too much about which ones and where. This page reports existing data on where what species of slug and snails are found in the state. In 2022 we are starting with just the slugs, and hopefully building the database to include all our land mollusks.

How this works

Data for the maps and records come from a variety of sources, but the most active is interested observers like you! We comb museum, literature, and survey records to begin with. New points come from iNaturalist as well as our Pest Reporter. Identifications can be difficult, so a good picture goes a long way to helping. There are also great slug and snail resources out there for the interested self learner. The best identifications come from a slug in hand. If you’re interested in sending in a slug for ID see this page.